4 ways to relieve back pain

4 ways to relieve back pain

Did you know that back pain is one of the most common causes of disabilities that prevent people from physically active or engaging in physical activities? In the country, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) estimates that about 31 million people have lower back pain at any given point in time. 80% of Americans will consult a doctor or a specialist for their back pain at least once in their lifetime.

If you experience back pain constantly for three months or longer, it is considered to be chronic. These days, back pain is no longer associated with the elderly. People of all ages experience back pain because of unhealthy lifestyles.

Here are some of the top ways you can experience back pain relief:

Medical solutions for back pain relief

  • Topical creams, gels, and sprays
    The first medical solution that comes to mind for backache is topical creams, gels, and sprays. These can be bought in medical stores or supermarkets without the need for prescriptions. These are to be applied to the skin over the area of pain. They give temporary relief from pain. You can also use hot packs or cold packs for better results.
  • Over the counter (OTC) pain relievers
    These are easily available OTC medications that can be taken for mild to moderate forms of back pain. Most of these medicines are anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal. These give quick back pain relief and start showing results in a couple of hours. Do note that these OTC pain relievers should not be used for a longer duration of time. These can cause unwanted side effects. So, consult your doctor before you start on such medications.
  • Muscle relaxants
    Another category of medical solution that promises back pain relief is muscle relaxants. These are also medications and help relax your muscles if the back pain is because of muscle pull, muscle spasms, or sprains. Muscle relaxants are known to make a person sleepy, and you should not be operating machinery or driving if you have taken these medications.
  • Opioid pain relievers
    These are also called narcotics and are prescribed for patients with too severe back pain that does not go away with regular medications and pain killers. These relievers work by stopping pain receptors from reaching the brain. Such medications are prescribed for a maximum of 2-4 weeks and not more than that as people can get addicted to these pain relievers.
  • Antidepressants
    Sometimes, patients with intense back pain are prescribed antidepressant medications. These medications seem to affect the chemical messengers that send pain signals to the brain and help with pain management.

Dietary supplements
Sometimes, back pain could be a result of vitamin D deficiency. Check your vitamin and mineral levels in the body and if you are deficient in one or more vitamins, then consider taking supplements. This can act as a cure for your back pain. You can also enjoy fortified foods to make sure you get your dose of nutrients regularly.

  • Cortisone shots
    Cortisone shots are injections used in relieving pain and inflammation in a specific area of the body. For those who have extreme pain that spreads around the affected area, cortisone shots can provide effective back pain relief.
  • Surgery
    Surgery is suggested for those who suffer chronic and unbearable back pain that keeps coming back with time. Spinal fusion is a common generic surgery that helps relieve most types of back pain. This involves joining spinal bones and limiting stretching and mobility to help bring down the pain.

Few other kinds of surgeries opted for specific back problems are:

  • Laminectomy
  • Diskectomy
  • Interlaminar implant
  • Foraminotomy

Natural remedies for back pain relief

  • Massage therapy
    One of the easiest ways to get back pain relief is through massage. You can use essential oils or topical gels and creams for the massage. Gently apply the product to the back area and use firm yet gentle strokes to loosen up the muscles. Since you cannot massage your own back, you may need to help a friend or a partner or hire a professional masseuse.
  • Learn about right sitting postures
    One of the main reasons people end up with chronic back pain is bad sitting posture. If you work in front of a system or a laptop all day long, the chances of you developing back pain are high. Try noticing how you sit when you are working. If you are slouched over the keyboard, then you are putting excess pressure on your spine.

Here are a few ways you can make the right changes:

  • Sit upright with your back straight against the chair
  • Place your feet firmly against the floor or a footrest
  • Make sure your hips and knees are at right angles to each other
  • Use a lumbar support pillow if needed
  • Take a hot water bath
    An easy and natural way to get rid of back pain is to take a hot water bath. You can take a shower or fill a bathtub with hot water and get in and relax. Hot water is known to relax tightened muscles, and it helps achieve quick back pain relief. Those with chronic back pain are advised to take a hot water bath right before bedtime to help them sleep peacefully without any pain.
  • Ice packs and hot packs
    If your back pain is because of inflammation, then ice packs help a lot. You can wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply it to the areas that hurt. You can also use frozen bags of peas as an ice pack on your back. For back pain caused due to muscle spasms, hot packs are the best. Make sure the hot pack is tightly closed and that it is not applied on direct skin.
  • Bring down stress levels
    You may be surprised, but stress plays a vital role in increasing your back pain. Often, mental stress reflects back pain, and you can only get rid of the problem when you treat the stress that caused it in the first place. Medications and psychotherapy for stress, along with medicines and exercises, can make you feel much better.
  • Choose anti-inflammatory foods
    While there is no clear evidence of food curing back pain, choosing anti-inflammatory foods can definitely help bring down pain intensity. You can try tweaking your diet plan along with considering other medical or natural remedies mentioned here for effective back pain relief.

Here are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods to consider:

  • All kinds of fatty fishes like tuna, salmon, and mackerel
  • Limited quantities of red wine
  • All kinds of nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, and flax seeds
  • Green tea
  • Olive oil
  • All kinds of berries like raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries
  • Include fresh spices and seasonings in your food

Spices and seasonings are anti-inflammatory, and when you can find fresh sources of these items, they definitely help bring down the intensity of your back pain. A few top spices and seasonings you can use when you cook are turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and basil.

Exercises for back pain relief
If your back pain is caused because of lifestyle issues like posture or stress, then there are amazing exercises you can try to reduce the pain and strengthen your back. Usually, people complain of either lower back pain or upper back pain. Here are exercises that can help you find relief in both conditions. Do make sure to consult your doctor and get a green signal before you start these routines.

Upper back exercises

  • Shoulder roll
    Stand with your hands close by your body. Roll your shoulders in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. Complete five rotations and then do the same anticlockwise. This helps with upper back pain relief by relaxing the shoulder muscles and freeing the neck and arms.
  • Doorway stretch
    Stand in the middle of your doorway and keep your forearms bent at 90 degrees on both sides of the doorframe. Keep your head still and rotate your back and hips. Put pressure on the frame when you rotate. You can find your upper back and chest areas stretching when you do this exercise. Repeat it ten times on both sides.
  • Cat and camel
    Start by being on all fours on your yoga mat. Inhale and tuck in your pelvis. Stretch your mid-back so that it looks like a camel’s hump. Now exhale and relax, stretch your chest and bring down your back to normalcy. The cat and camel position help strengthen your spine. Repeat the process until you find yourself relaxed.

Lower back exercises

  • Knee to back stretching
    Lie on your back. Pull one knee towards your chin and hold it tight with both hands. You will feel your thighs and the lower back stretching. Relax the leg. Repeat with the other leg. Do this for four counts each and then pull back both your knees and repeat another eight counts. This exercise provides immediate lower back pain relief.
  • Superman position
    This is a great stretch to help relieve muscle tension in the lower back. Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat and stretch your hands and feet. Lift the upper and lower torso so that you are balanced on your stomach. The position should look like Superman flying. Stretch your legs and feet as much as you can and hold for a couple of seconds. Repeat it eight times.
  • Rotational stretches
    This is something you can do even when you are working in your office. Sit in a chair and put your hands behind your head. Now start twisting the core, keeping your hip square and your spine straight. When you stretch, you will feel the pull in the sides of your hip and your lower back. Rotate as much as you can on one side, return to normalcy and repeat the other side. Stretching this way, a couple of times a day, will help correct bad sitting postures and related back pains.

Back pain can start as a mere inconvenience and can end up being a disability. Apart from eating healthy food and staying active, make sure you correct your sitting posture to prevent the risks of chronic back pain. If your back pain is related to a medical condition, then get the core problem treated to find relief. Sometimes, your back pain could be a result of nutritional deficiency. Talk to your doctor about getting the right supplements to get this treated. Try the natural back pain relief tips mentioned here and start with easier exercises. You will get better with time.

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